Walk gently over the Earth answering to that
of God in everyone…
Welcome, Friend
Come and worship with us any Sunday morning.
We are located in Chestertown, Maryland, on the Mid-Atlantic coast of the United States. We are an unprogrammed Quaker meeting, part of the Southern Quarter of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting of the Society of Friends.
Our Regular Meeting Time:
Sundays – Meeting For Worship 10:00am
Quakerism, or The Religious Society of Friends, was formed in England in the 1600’s by a man named George Fox and a group of like-minded seekers. They believed that everyone could have a direct relationship with God. This continues to be our tradition.
We practice an unprogrammed form of worship. We do not have a paid clergy. People gather in a friendly atmosphere of silent prayer and meditation to wait on the word of God. Anyone in that gathering, who feels they are lead to share a message, can speak it. Seekers from any faith tradition, as well as those seeking a faith community for the first time, are welcome to come and worship any time.
Feel free to contact us with any questions.