Dear Friends,
Welcome to Chester River Friends Meeting, a monthly Meeting that is part of Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s Southern Quarter. Chester River started as a small group of Quakers who met in rotating homes and spaces until forming a cohesive Meeting in 1976. From 1980-2020, our home was an A-frame structure that originated as an artist’s studio and was moved by Meeting members to it’s current location in downtown Chestertown. We now meet in a lovely space at the Presbyterian Church of Chestertown.
Our Meeting has fluctuated over the years, but now, over 47 years later, we still worship together in the manner started by a small committed group of local Quakers . We invite you to join us, whether you are of the Quaker faith or not, to listen to the Inner Light and share in silent Worship. We hope you join us soon.
In faith,
Nina Fleegle, Clerk
First Day School
If children gather with us, we try our best to hold First Day School. Our First Day program is held starting approximately 15 minutes after the start of worship. Activities are based on the ages of children present. Childcare for toddlers and infants is not currently available without prior arrangements.
For Philadelphia Yearly Meeting’s religious education curricula for different age groups (including adults), visit their site.